Z/0001087 |
Angst, Zeit und psychische Struktur |
Michels |
Z/0001089 |
Sens Blague. Cartoons zur Psychoanalyse |
Redaktion |
Z/0001090 |
Psychoanalysomatik' |
Borens |
Z/0001090 |
Die entgrenzte Haut |
Funk |
Z/0001090 |
Zwischen zerstückeltem und organlosem Körper |
Kopp |
Z/0001091 |
Der Klang des Geldes unterbrach sofort die Scherze' |
Strowick |
Z/0001091 |
das pädagogische Ding oder: kyrie eleison |
Widmer |
Z/0001091 |
Appell zur allgemeinen Bestandsaufnahme der Psychoanalyse |
Major |
Z/0001092 |
Der Lehrer. Archivtext. Mit einem Vorwort von August Ruhs. |
Augustinus |
Z/0001093 |
Nur wo Du bist, entstehen Körper |
De Groef |
Z/0001093 |
Unbewußtes Körperbild und die symbolische Kastration |
Schauder |
Z/0001098 |
Picknick der Aliens. Andrej Tarkowskij und das Ding aus dem inneren Raum |
Zizek |
Z/0001099 |
Glauben wir an Autorität? |
Salecl |
Z/0001100 |
Robert Louis Stevenson and the theme of the double |
Cummins |
Z/0001100 |
Identity and inter-religious dialogue: Dialogue or identity-hate? |
Baumstimler |
Z/0001100 |
The real of religion and its relation to truth as cause |
Costello |
Z/0001100 |
Latent Freudian thoughts towards a theory of neurotic depression, part-one |
Jonckheere |
Z/0001100 |
Hysteria and femininity |
Michels |
Z/0001100 |
Book review: Hill's 'Lacan for beginners' |
Loose |
Z/0001100 |
Wo steht Lacan heute? Lacanian psychoanalysis in Ireland |
Texier |
Z/0001100 |
Latent Freudian thoughts towards a theory of neurotic depression, part-two |
Jonckheere |
Z/0001100 |
Lacan for beginners |
Cormac |
Z/0001100 |
In pursuit of the fading subject across the field of fantasy |
Cox-Cameron |
Z/0001100 |
Book review - Leader's 'Lacan for beginners' |
McAuley |
Z/0001101 |
Peut-on parler de psychose sociale? |
Cermak |
Z/0001101 |
Lacan and Dali. An anamorphic encounter? |
Cox-Cameron |
Z/0001101 |
The subjct of ethics |
Richardson |
Z/0001101 |
Psychology and psychoanalysis. A scientific paradigm |
McGrath |
Z/0001101 |
Trauma and Hysteria within Freud an Lacan |
Verhaeghe |
Z/0001101 |
The follower |
Sheehan |
Z/0001101 |
Symptome, éthique et désir d'analyste |
Dumézil |
Z/0001101 |
Lecture raisonnée et critique des oeuvres des Freud et de Lacan |
Melman |
Z/0001101 |
A review of Freudian's early remarks on addiction: From an ideal to masturbation |
Loose |
Z/0001101 |
Une torpeur ordinaire? |
Lacôte |
Z/0001101 |
The Tight-Rope Walkers |
Le Gaufey |
Z/0001101 |
We can remember it for you wholesale |
Texier |
Z/0001101 |
Lacan for beginners |
Richardson |
Z/0001102 |
De stoelendans van Léon: het onbewuste lichaamsbeeld |
Roymans |
Z/0001102 |
Een kind zoekt naar orde |
Deneckere |
Z/0001102 |
Seksueel trauma bij kinderen: van herbeleven naar herinneren |
Gevaert |
Z/0001102 |
Tegen-overdracht? |
Vanderwegen |
Z/0001102 |
Vragen om symbolisch te existeren: een geval van infantiele psychose |
Walleghem |
Z/0001103 |
On the optical scheme |
Caroz |
Z/0001103 |
The analyst confronted with the psychotic: The psychotic as a martyr of the unconscious |
Lieber |
Z/0001103 |
Interpretation,truth, consistency |
Amster |
Z/0001103 |
Between science and psyche: A case of a transsexual |
Pietchotka |
Z/0001103 |
There is no such form |
Golan |
Z/0001103 |
The house, the car, the camera and the 'Sudden Attacks': a clinical case |
Warshawsky |
Z/0001103 |
Interpretation and misunderstanding |
Bassols |
Z/0001103 |
From saying to doing in the clinic of drug addiction and alcoholism |
Laurent |